/ Consumer Products
Creating authentic and enduring cultural objects people love and cherish everyday
At Virtuo, we design iconic everyday products for the mainstream that work well and advance the human experience while promoting sustainability
Authentic and iconic common products designed with values and a responsibility at heart for everyone to enjoy.
Everyday products are all around us. When you see an object, you make so many assumptions about that product in seconds, what is it, what it does, how well it can do it, will it work for me. The object testifies to the people rhat conceived it, thought about it, developed it, manufactured it. Ranging From form, materials, architecture, to how it connects to you, how you touch it how you hold it. Every object, intentional or not, speaks to the people and company that created it in powerful ways.
/Our Experience
At Virtuo, we design better products that we live with. We work across a broad range of consumer product brands and categories. Our common interest is in understanding people and what their needs are. When we are designing products we look to different attributes of the product, materials, the form that’s connected to those materials. Physically how you connect and interact with it. Design in many ways includes the physical thing, as well as the process for it’s creation and manufacture. In essence, we try to get design out of the way so your product seems so obvious to your users. Often our hardest job is to remove, bit by bit anything that is unnecessary, that gets in the way of maximum unity and beauty.
Consumer electronics or home electronics are everyday use electronic products. At Virtuo, we design electronic products from the hardware and enclosure design, to the circuits and sensors, and control systems that enable users to interact with the device.
Every day people interact with numerous objects and products at home. Our team has vast experience in the design and development of home appliances, such as ovens, stove tops, refrigeration, vacuum cleaners and floor care technologies, to whiteware, utensils and ceramics.
Personal care products are consumer products which are used with the body to cleanse, protect and repair. Our work has spanned bioactives, powered devices, deodorants, skin creams and cosmetics, hair care, fem care and sanitary goods, baby diapers, as well as home cleaning hygiene products.
Nursery and kids products for sleep, activity, play and learning is a passion area for us. We have designed bassents, toys, kids furniture and a range of other products that enhance the first 1000+ days of a childs life.
Our team designs products for the lifestyle and travel category. These items have included bags, lugguage, travel accessories, kitchen utensils, and many other lifestyle items.
PPE refers to a category of items used or worn by a person (including clothing) to minimise risks to the person's health and safety. Our work in PPE has included respiratory protective equipment, protective clothing, and safety harness systems.
/ Who we’ve worked with
/ What out clients say
“Since 2016 Carrfields Group has enjoyed working with Virtuo across several innovative and collaborative programs. From traveling into markets to validate new opportunities, to building our brands, and designing new material and product technologies utilising natural materials, our work together has been broad and deep. Virtuo’s unique approach and innovative capabilities are unparalleled.”