Make more from what we can grow and produce sustainably
/ Primary Industry
At Virtuo, we are helping generate high value returns for the primary sector with design and technology
Turning the best of what can be grown sustainably, into high quality branded products fit for a healthier world.
All physical or hardware products are largely materials, and every material comes from somewhere. For sustainable materials, that somewhere is the Primary Sector. The potential for design-driven growth in the Primary Sector is enormous in both products and services.
/Our Experience
At Virtuo, we work in the Primary Sector because we want to work with better materials (ingredients) so we can design better products. We help primary organisations increase revenues and shareholder returns by adding value by design. Design leads to more competitive organisations making and selling higher-value products and services. We also work in the Primary Sector because along with our industry, have a responsibility to reduce our impact on the planet. By re-imagining how products are made through what can be sustainably produced, and by building strong connections with customers and consumers, we can take innovative approaches to reducing impact across our entire value chain.
At Virtuo, we have worked within the dairy, meat, beef, lamb and other protein source areas for many years. Design can deliver significant value within agriculture, helping tranform raw and primary products into high value highly praised finished consumer products.
Our interest working with forestry organisations and timber producers is about turning these raw materials into high value products that can furnish our lives. packaging solutions, furniture, consumer goods, to the built environment, timbers materiality is like on other.
Manuka Honey is an amazing product produced only in New Zealand. We have worked with a small group of leading brands, helping them understand the customer, build a brand, package their product, and enter new global markets with robust growth strategies.
From fresh fruit like apples and kiwifruit, to hemp and other crops that can be grown to produce annual supply of sustainable materials, the future is about what can be grown. We work within the horticulture sector, helping organisations identify future value, and set about building products and production systems to harvest it.
We offer creative opportunities to the seafood industry to identify and develop value-added fish and seafood products. The health of the ocean is a megatrend for all consumers, and there is real trust and credibility for brands in this space.
Natural fibres is an area that we have spent many years developing. From new fibre types, their production, all they way through processing and finishing, we have deveoped numerous new wool and natural fibre products.
/ Who we’ve worked with
/ What our clients say
“Sequal started working with Virtuo to help us transform the company to become a very design-led customer focused organization. Back then we were a timber commodities business. Virtuo has helped us shape Sequal into an authentic, customer centric, innovative and purpose driven company focused on giving more to the future of wood. This has led to us evolving the company’s brand and customer experience, the products we supply and more clearly telling our story and core point of different. Virtuo is incredibly gifted and it has been invaluable having the team alongside helping guide us to challenge the future.”